
User Guide

What is Duke?

Duke is your friendly chatbot which helps to keep track of your daily tasks! It’s a To-Do List where you can add and modify your tasks.


  1. Add Task - Add new tasks into your list to keep track of them.
  2. Delete Task - Delete old tasks that you have completed or no longer have use for.
  3. Modify Task - Update details of tasks.
  4. Find Task - Filters the list of tasks based on a keyword.
  5. Complete Task - Marks the task as completed.
  6. List Task - Lists the tasks you have.

    List of commands

list : Displays information about your tasks.

Displays the entire list of your tasks.

Here are the tasks in your list: 
    1. [T][x] borrow book 
    2. [D][x] sing song (by: 2019-09-09 0900) 

bye : Quits Duke.

Quits Duke.

todo : Adds a To-Do into your list.

Adds a to-do task into your lists with the description of the task.

deadline : Adds a Deadline into your list.

Adds a Deadline into the list of tasks. Deadlines must have time of format of format Year(yyyy)/Month(mm)/Date(dd) Hour(hh)Minute(mm), eg 2019-09-14 1800

event : Adds an Event into your list.

Adds a Event into the list of tasks. Events must have time of format of format Year(yyyy)/Month(mm)/Date(dd) Hour(hh)Minute(mm), eg 2019-09-14 1800

find : Obtains task with the keyword in it.

Filters the task list by the keyword to find the corresponding tasks with the keyword in it’s description.

done : Mark the task in the list as done.

Mark the task at Number in the list as done.

delete : Deletes the task from the list.

Deletes the task at Number in the list from the list.

update : Updates the task at Number in the list.

Updates the Description or Time of the task at Number’s in the list.